If you set up your subscription on the musescore.com website, please follow these steps to cancel it:
Go to Account Settings or click your profile icon located at the upper right of the MuseScore website and choose 'Settings' in the dropdown.
Then open the 'Subscription' section and click 'End my Free benefits' button.
If the subscription isn't canceled before its expiration date, it will auto-renew.
Please keep in mind that you can't cancel a subscription while your account is being set up. You need to wait about an hour until the account is ready.
If you subscribed via Google Play or App Store, please use the article on how to cancel the subscription on these platforms.
Keywords: abonnement, abbonamento, abmelden, cance, cancelamento, cancle, deactivate, désabonnement, kündigen, quit, sub, subscribtion, suscripcion, uninstall, unsubcribe, unsubscribe, abo, kündigen, kündigung, 解約,キャンセル, 取消訂閱, 退会,해지, trial.