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How to transpose a score
How to transpose a score

Transposing a score to a different key.

Updated over 3 months ago

Transposing in the MuseScore mobile App

The Transposition feature is located in the score's Settings tab when you open a score. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the desired score in the MuseScore mobile app.

  2. Navigate to Settings with the cog (βš™) icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

  3. Find the Transposition section in the 'Settings' tab.

  4. Use the '+' button to raise the pitch by a semitone or the '-' button to lower it by a semitone.

  5. To revert to the original key, click the Default button.

  6. To go back to the score, slide the Settings tab down.

Once transposed, you can download the score as a PDF or MIDI in the transposed key:

  1. Click the Download button at the bottom of the score.

  2. Save the transposed score in PDF or MIDI format on your device, or share it using apps available on your device.

Interactive vs. PDF

Please note that MuseScore offers scores in both Interactive and PDF formats:

  • Interactive Scores: These can be played, transposed, and customized directly in the app.

  • PDF Scores: These are static and cannot be played or transposed. PDFs are intended for viewing and printing purposes only.

To find the format you need, use the Format filter on the website or the MuseScore mobile app to easily switch between Interactive and PDF versions of scores.

Transposing in MuseScore Studio

In addition to the mobile app, you can transpose any score using MuseScore Studio, our free notation software for Mac and PC:

  1. Open MuseScore Studio.

  2. Load your score in 'mscz' format. You can download scores in 'mscz' format on the website.

  3. Navigate to Tools > Transpose and select your desired key.

You can download MuseScore Studio for free from

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